CREATEDESK, Biel/Bienne | Sortlist


Biel/Bienne, Suisse
creation of websites and marketing solutions in Switzerland at affordable prices. Bring a new dimension to your activities by conveying your image through a modern website. By increasing your visibility, you will strengthen your image with your listeners, suppliers and customers. Give yourself an impeccable design, advice before, during and after the creation of your website for a simple or e-commerce site. Our web office is located in the vicinity of Biel/Bienne and Saint-Imier. We are specialized in the creation and reconstitution of websites for individuals, companies and associations. We pay particular attention to the needs of our customers to meet their exact requirements. We focus on value for money in order to offer everyone the opportunity to realize their project. Today, visual well-being and SEO strategy have become essential. That's why we automatically apply Responsive Design technology to your site. The site will then be available on all types of devices and will have an impact when searching on search engines. During the creation of your website, we guarantee a simplified administration interface and a site available in a few weeks.
2 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Français
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2018
Fondée en 2017
Aucun avis client pour le momentSoyez le premier à en ajouter un


3 services offerts par CREATEDESK

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À partir de

  • Description
    -mobile site
    -mobile application
    Compétences en E-commerce (1)
    website, mobile site, mobile application, marketing, e-commerce

    En savoir plus sur E-commerce

  • Description
    -mobile site
    -mobile application
    Compétences en Création de site internet (1)
    website, mobile site, mobile application, marketing, e-commerce

    En savoir plus sur Création de site internet

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    En savoir plus sur Marketing

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2 membres dans l'équipe de CREATEDESK

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Coordonnées de CREATEDESK


  • Siège socialLehmgrubenweg 20, 2504 Biel, Switzerland
