14|41 - The Creative Impact Factory, Thônex | Sortlist
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14|41 - The Creative Impact Factory

Thônex, Suisse
14I41, The Creative Impact Factory assists brands in developing tailor-made communication activities with a positive influence on the world. Because we are convinced that in order to tell a good story, one first of all has to create it. Consumers expect authenticity and transparency. Our millennial generation is constantly seeking meaning. It consists of 2.3 billion people across the planet and will represent 75% of the active population by 2030*. Brands and companies need to make a positive impact to continue to exist among the extremely mindful millennial generation. 75% of Millennials think that current brands make so little sense that they are doomed to vanish**. 72% are prepared to change brand if a given one no longer matches their own values*. That means it is urgent for positive impact to become the norm. POSITIVE IMPACT IS THE NEW BUSINESS. The initial project of 14|41 is to create the first positive, active community platform, A NEW DAY. 14|41 and A NEW DAY form the HUMAN IMPACT group dedicated to making a positive impact. Discover our project on humanimpact.co * source: YouGov survey on behalf of GT Nexus, published in January 2017. **Source : Kantar Media et Kantar Millwardbrown Survey, 2017
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    • Siège socialRoute de Villette 14, 1231 Conches, Switzerland
