Afro innovative production company, Aba | Sortlist
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Afro innovative production company

Aba, Nigeria
Digital Outdoor Synergy
Afro Innovative Production Company (AIPC) is a shoot into the media space aimed at leading an improved quality digital advertisement in the country. AIPC is one project amongst other list of projects birthed from the ideas of a reputable Film maker in the London Film Academy Alumni after he saw the poor state of advertisement in the Eastern part of Nigeria. We provide and promote digital billboard, and displays outdoor advertisements in the Eastern part of Nigeria. We commit to providing comprehensive digital solution, that will lead to the growth of both our clients and of afro innovative production company. our goal is to bring advancement in digital advertisement within the Eastern part of Nigeria and our success is measured by building a lifelong relationship between us and our customers. Our company generally engaged in media productions such as; Digital Advertisement Media Consultation/ Management Event Planning and Management Film Production
5 personnes dans leur équipe
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  • Description
    Afro Innovative Production Company (AIPC) is a shoot into the media space aimed at leading an improved quality digital advertisement in the country. AIPC is one project amongst other list of projects birthed from the ideas of a reputable Film maker in the London Film Academy Alumni after he saw the poor state of advertisement in the Eastern part of Nigeria. We provide and promote digital billboard, and displays outdoor advertisements in the Eastern part of Nigeria. We commit to providing comprehensive digital solution, that will lead to the growth of both our clients and of afro innovative production company. our goal is to bring advancement in digital advertisement within the Eastern part of Nigeria and our success is measured by building a lifelong relationship between us and our customers.

    Our company generally engaged in media productions such as;

    Digital Advertisement
    Media Consultation/ Management
    Event Planning and Management
    Film Production
    Compétences en Publicité (3)
    Online Advertisinggraphics designDigital advertising

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

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5 membres dans l'équipe de Afro innovative production company

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Coordonnées de Afro innovative production company


  • Siège socialAba-Owerri Road, Aba, Nigeria