Creative Designer LLC, Shatgara | Sortlist
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Creative Designer LLC

Shatgara, Bangladesh
We Are graphic design professional and artist focusing on Our Creative intent: to create graphics that present a perceptual framework of a business by the presence of their brand identity, and to illustrate with artistic sensibility, and to invoke a feeling or inspire thought. We have 12 years of experience creating web and print graphics abroad. We make use of a fast paced design workflow resulting in unique contemporary work that excels in both quality and professionalism. Our main objective in finding a position, or in Our own entrepreneurial endeavors is to make a difference, and create something innovative to the field and for the community. We have gained and utilized many skills to further myself in this profession.   Market Research Brand Architecture Brand Positioning Competitive Audits Value Proposition Consumer Trends Market Mapping Validation Testing We Provide :   # Image  Background Remove,   # Clipping  Path , # Multi  Clipping path, # Neck  Joint service, # Retouching  , # Jewelry  Retouching , # Photo  Masking , Drawing/Design: @Logo Design @Animal Design @T-shirt Design @Sweatshirt Design @Wedding Invitation Design @Book CoverDesign @Package Design @Brand identity pack Design @Social media pack Design @Business card Design @Stationery Design @Brand guide Design @Banner Design @Sticker Design @Tattoo Design
50 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Bengali
Membre Sortlist depuis 2018
Fondée en 2006
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4 services offerts par Creative Designer LLC

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    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

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    En savoir plus sur Print

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    En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Étude de marché

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50 membres dans l'équipe de Creative Designer LLC

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Coordonnées de Creative Designer LLC


  • Siège socialMistree Para Rd, Rangpur, Bangladesh