Pixalane, Sanauli | Sortlist
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Sanauli, Inde
50 personnes dans leur équipe
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1 services offerts par Pixalane

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  • Description
    Visit Pixalane for a fantastical realm of creative digital design, digital paintings, engaging motion graphics and animation. Our community is a safe refuge for creative types, where users may express themselves freely. Explore mind-blowing visual storytelling and innovative artwork that stretch our understanding of what’s possible. Pixalane is a great place to start your path toward creativity.
    Compétences en Design & graphisme (4)
    Logo DesignEditorial DesignCreative DesignGraphic Art

    En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme

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50 membres dans l'équipe de Pixalane

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Coordonnées de Pixalane



  • Siège socialPeer Muchalla Road, Sector 20, Panchkula, Punjab, India