rpc The Retail Performance Company
13 services offerts par rpc The Retail Performance Company
Description Die Dynamik der Märkte verändert sich rasant und verlangt nach neuen, flexiblen Strategien, die darüber hinaus zu Ihrem unternehmenseigenen Markenbild passen sollten. Die Zukunft wartet allerdings nicht und ebenso wenig die Digitalisierung vieler Aspekte unseres Lebens und Arbeitens. Wo sollen Sie aber als Unternehmen die eigene digitale Transformation beginnen? Die Möglichkeiten scheinen nicht nur endlos, sie sind es auch. Um so wichtiger, die richtige Richtung einzuschlagen. Dafür braucht es eine umfassende Digitalstrategie. Von der gründlichen Analyse hin zu einer strategischen Landkarte, die Ihnen die nötige Orientierung bietet.
Wir erstellen für Sie eine maßgeschneiderte Strategie. Gerne auch in einem gemeinsamen Workshop.
Aus Ihrer individuellen Unternehmenshistorie und Ihren Stärken heraus werden Sie im Workshop dazu befähigt, die richtigen Ansätze für den Umgang mit den Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu finden. Vision und Eckpfeiler einer künftigen Strategie werden skizziert, visualisiert, präsentiert, überprüft und in Handlungsnotwendigkeiten übersetzt. Daraus abgeleitet ergeben sich konkrete Handlungsfelder und definierte Maßnahmen um die Transformation voranzubringen. Konkret, praxisnah - auf Sie maßgeschneidert!
Wir unterstützen Sie bei allen Themen rund um das digitale Marketing. Unser Denken ist von Customer Centricity und Performance geprägt, wobei wir die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Kampagnen stets im Auge behalten und neu bewerten.
Unsere Leistungen im Detail:
- Definition Ihrer strategischen Ziele im Rahmen der Digitalisierung
- Analyse Ihrer aktuellen digitalen Performance, zwischen Wettbewerb und aktueller Best Practices in den führenden Branchen
- Gap Analyse Ihres strategischen Zielbildes und der Kundenbedürfnisse
- Identifikation relevanter Handlungsfelder und Erarbeitung der wichtigsten Maßnahmen
- Entwicklung einer Roadmap zur Steigerung Ihrer digitalen Sichtbarkeit
- Operative Umsetzung und Kampagnenmanagement
- Webdesign und Webdevelopement
We support you in all areas related to digital marketing. Our thinking is driven by customer centricity and performance, while always keeping an eye on and re-evaluating the profitability of campaigns.
Our services in detail:
- Definition of your strategic goals in the context of digitalization
- Analysis of your current digital performance, from competition to current best practices in leading industries
- Gap analysis of your strategic target image and customer needs
- Identification of relevant fields of action and development of the most important measures
- Develop a roadmap to increase your digital visibility
WE CREATE A CUSTOMIZED STRATEGY FOR YOU.Compétences en Stratégie digitale (50) Inbound Lead GenerationLead ManagementSocial MarketingSocial SellingUser JourneyCustomer JourneyDigital MarketingRetail DesignRemarketingInbound Marketing+40Projets en Stratégie digitale (10) Avis client en Stratégie digitale (1) Monika KellnerClients en Stratégie digitale (10) Mediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | nationalAston Martin - Emil Frey Exclusive CarsAutomobile | nationalHeydt GroupRessources humaines | internationalQuanos GmbHLogiciels et services informatiques | international
En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitaleDescription Mit Social Media Ihre Kunden erreichen: Social Media kann Ihnen helfen, online sichtbar zu werden. Das bedeutet, Sie wissen, in welchen Kanälen sich Ihre Kunden aufhalten und Sie sprechen Ihre Fans und Follower mit relevanten Inhalten proaktiv an. Gemeinsam definieren wir Ihre Social Media Strategie und legen die Ziele fest. Ob Sie Beziehungen zu potenziellen Kunden aufbauen und zu Bestandskunden ausbauen wollen oder sich als Marke positionieren möchten oder Leads generieren – für jedes Ziel gibt es eine gemeinsam festgelegt Roadmap.
Wir sorgen dafür, dass Social Media Ihnen wirklich hilft, online gefunden zu werden, Leads zu generieren oder auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Wir betreuen Ihre (auch internationalen) Accounts.
On the way to the retail trade, buyers are on the move in social media channels. Companies must develop social media strategies that are customized to corporate goals and needs, as well as actions, behaviors, and guidelines.
All these elements are needed in order to use social media as a successful and meaningful marketing tool.
Deliverables Social Media Strategy
Social media concept for internal and external target groups
The social Media concept includes measures in the following areas (where relevant):
- Content management
- Public relations
- Advertising
- Communication
- Definition and documentation of relevant parameters and systems for measuring the success of marketing activities
The heart of social media is content. Without quality content, social media has little appeal. It’s paramount that brands and businesses understand what type(s) of content they should provide to their customers to achieve the reach and engagement they’re looking for.
This engagement is possible through social media's unique nature of allowing direct communication with your audience and building meaningful one-to-one relationships. But, how will you as a customer leverage social media to develop such quality human connections?
Deliverables Content & Community Management
- Creation of social content assets on defined topics in the specified timing
- Research and selection of the topic, copywriting, images without license fees
- Exclusive package plus community management, i.e. daily communication with the target groups in different markets and channels
- Monthly performance reporting
The common thread runs through the entire content management. We build an emotional story that runs through every post and every story. Credo: "More of what is good".
The clear structure of the posts: First sentence short, enticing, emotional.
Then info. Then CTA.
Maximum four sentences. If we have something to tell, we'll gladly add a longer text block after the first paragraph.
Tonality and tempo: Tighter language, simple sentence structure.
Our posts have 3 objectives for the time being:
COMMITMENTWe want to generate commitment. This is achieved through questions, divisible contents, serious, exciting facts, and infotainment. We analyze every copy carefully: Does it have the potential to generate commitment? If not: do not post.
INFORMATIONWe describe a product. So we provide facts, information, knowledge. At the same time, however, the copy creates an emotional bond with the product. If the middle part of the copy does not provide any information or no emotional anchor: do not post.
LEADSWe want people to come from our mail to the website or landing page. So the CTA at the end of every copy is clear for now. If the community grows, there will be room for other CTAs.Compétences en Réseaux sociaux (39) Social MarketingCoachingsocial media optimizationcommunity buildingshopssocial media workshopsB2B Social mediaUnternehmenskulturWebseitenlead ads+29Projets en Réseaux sociaux (5) Avis client en Réseaux sociaux (1) Stefanie Aigner-PetzClients en Réseaux sociaux (5) Mediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | nationalAston Martin - Emil Frey Exclusive CarsAutomobile | nationalHeydt GroupRessources humaines | internationalThe Green PrincipleAutres
En savoir plus sur Réseaux sociauxDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en Stratégie de contenu (1) Content MarketingProjets en Stratégie de contenu (4) Clients en Stratégie de contenu (4) Mediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | nationalThe Green PrincipleAutresHeydt GroupRessources humaines | internationalAston Martin - Emil Frey Exclusive CarsAutomobile | national
En savoir plus sur Stratégie de contenuDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en Référencement naturel (7) SEO LinkbuildingKleinunternehmen SEOLinkbuildingApp-Store-OptimierungE-Commerce SEOApp Store OptimisationMultilingual SEOProjets en Référencement naturel (5) Clients en Référencement naturel (5) Aston Martin - Emil Frey Exclusive CarsAutomobile | nationalHeydt GroupRessources humaines | internationalMediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | nationalThe Green PrincipleAutres
En savoir plus sur Référencement naturelDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en Publicité en ligne (9) Amazon MarketingProgrammatic AdvertisingDesignBrandingOnline-Shopsozialen MedienAmazon WerbungROI OptimierungSocial-Media-ManagementProjets en Publicité en ligne (3) Clients en Publicité en ligne (3) Mediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | nationalHeydt GroupRessources humaines | internationalAston Martin - Emil Frey Exclusive CarsAutomobile | national
En savoir plus sur Publicité en ligneDescription Create meaningful and performing brands
Using the rpc branding approach we collaborate with companies to develop a holistic brand strategy which helps to specifically address target groups and to charge the brand with decisive parameters like an unique Brand Identity, Brand Architecture and Brand Voice .
Use Case
Companies seeking to benefit from a scalable customer-centric branding program by focusing on value driven results and both competence by branding experts and high involvement of internal and external stakeholders.
Strong and sustainable value proposition
Brand clarity and consistency
Strategic realisation guidance through customised action plan
Interdependencies roadmap reflecting the logical sequence of implementation
Lean approach for implementing strategic objectives value and impact driven
Way of working mindset change by using motivating and collaborative approachesCompétences en Image de marque & branding (29) ZielmarktdefinitionCorporate IdentityBrand IdentityEmployer BrandingBrand AwarenessBranded ContentBrand DesignKey VisualMarktforschungWorkplace Design+19Projets en Image de marque & branding (8) Clients en Image de marque & branding (8) Mediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | nationalManufacturerBiens et services industriels | internationalThe Green PrincipleAutresTelekomTélécommunications | national
En savoir plus sur Image de marque & brandingDescription We define a data centric strategy and guide customers to identify, evaluate and prioritize the most promising use case ideas creating business value.
We assess the current situation and requirements of our clients, including how they are using a data-driven strategy, and conduct benchmarking analysis for an outside-in perspective. We then develop a data strategy focusing on the following dimensions: purpose, organization, data and analytics, technology, and people.
Our ideation workshops generate analytical use case ideas by creating a 'creative space' for our experts to openly discuss and share ideas.
We prioritize use cases based on a technical feasibility check, a market and business impact analysis. We generate a concept ready for implementation that reflects relevant dimensions such as target customers, business value, infrastructure, data security, inputs, and outputs.
We implement the data strategy within the organization, deriving a clear roadmap and action plan optimizing the strategic approach based on stakeholder feedback and ongoing tracking of relevant KPIs such as turnover, profit, customer satisfaction, cross-selling and upselling rates, and more. Finally, we provide technical handover to the product development team, leading to MVP solution implementation support.Compétences en Data Consulting (2) Data MigrationData DiscoveryProjets en Data Consulting (2) Clients en Data Consulting (2) RetailVente au détail | nationalInsuranceAssurance | national
En savoir plus sur Data ConsultingDescription Rethink
Current processes
By using cutting-edge technologies
Accelerate Business decisions
We use design thinking approaches to generate and scout ideas, and create a Trend Radar to prioritize the most disruptive technologies like Metaverse and NFT Use Cases.
We employ Incremental Innovation to make consistent improvements to existing products or services, and leverage Disruptive Innovation to accelerate and optimize business processes.
Our expertise allows us to create innovative strategic concepts that drive results.Compétences en Innovation (7) Predictive AnalyticsInnovation ConsultingBusiness IntelligenceProprietary AlgorithmGraph VisualizationInnovation ManagementLeadership TrainingProjet en Innovation (1) Avis client en Innovation (1) Christian JöckelClient en Innovation (1) TelekomTélécommunications | national
En savoir plus sur InnovationDescription From the vision of the future to realisation:
While many companies are still waiting or discussing the use of AI, you can turn AI into your competitive advantage. With us, you can start implementation on day 1. The key to this is our starter kit.
What comes after the digital transformation? The AI transformation becomes a competitive advantage: more productivity, more efficiency, creativity and innovation - for you, your team and your products.
What can our path together look like?
- Initial meeting/getting to know each other and identification of challenges and goals
- Joint workshop to identify fields of action and your (AI) vision
- Initial insights into AI tools, their application, impact and opportunities
- Analysis and joint definition of implementation steps, goals, milestones, results and stakeholders
- Creation of a roadmap for the introduction of AI, taking into account organisational structures, processes, employee involvement and enablement
- Definition of relevant and measurable KPIs
- Development and implementation of a suitable change architecture and support, including a communication plan
- Enablement and training plan
- Step-by-step implementation and review as well as finalisation and anchoringCompétences en Intelligence Artificielle (4) AI AlgorithmAI StrategyAI ExpertiseMachine Learning
En savoir plus sur Intelligence ArtificielleDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en Design & graphisme (12) Creative DesignCustomer Centric DesignStorefront DesignSustainable DesignMerk Identiteit2D DesignCanvas DesignCorporate DesignConcept DevelopmentVisual Design+2Projet en Design & graphisme (1) Client en Design & graphisme (1) Mediterana GmbHVoyage et Loisirs | national
En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme
25 membres dans l'équipe de rpc The Retail Performance Company
rpc The Retail Performance Company a été récompensé 4 fois
Avis clients
5 Avis clients pour rpc The Retail Performance Company
Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?rpc hat uns dabei geholfen unseren Showroom neu zu gestalten und für die Zukunft auszurichten.
Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?Während der Zusammenarbeit war die Kommunikation mit allen Beteiligten ausnahmslos offen, kompetent und hat uns viel Freude bereitet.
Christian Jöckel recommande cette agence
Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?Betreuung unseres Instagram Accounts und Homepage
Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?Sehr qualifiziertes und lockeres Team, sehr gutes Preis Leistung Verhältnis
Stefanie Aigner-Petz recommande cette agence
Quel était l'objectif de votre collaboration ?The agendy helped us to update our website and increase the user experience, as well as the visibility. In addition an online shop was developed and the performance marketing was set up.
Qu'avez-vous le plus apprécié pendant votre collaboration ?Flexibility, expertise, extra commitment (agency is a 3h drive away from our office, however they still come over for workshops)
Steffen Schatz recommande cette agence
Partagez votre expérience avec nous.
Coordonnées de rpc The Retail Performance Company
- Siège socialPelkovenstraße 145, 80992 München, Deutschland
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