Winged IT, Varsovie | Sortlist
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Winged IT

Varsovie, Pologne
We help customers to hire the best tech talents in Poland.
Since 2017, we helped over 50 clients from 4 continents to find the best and most affordable tech talents. We deliver candidates from Central and Eastern Europe, ready to work remotely from Poland or relocate to your country. We are Polish Tech Recruitment, Outstaffing, and Consulting Company providing services in the most flexible model up to your needs. We support international companies establishing remote (in-house or outsaffed) engineering teams in Poland. (learn why to choose Poland on our dedicated website Services: Creation of client’s Tech team/subsidiary in Poland Recruiting Tech professionals for clients Outstaffing of Tech professionals More about the services: Creation of client’s Tech team/subsidiary in Poland We support creating local engineering teams (in-house or outsaffed) for companies that want to increase quality and reduce costs by developing Tech operations in Poland. Our Software Developers and other Tech professionals are highly regarded in the market. Meanwhile, average salaries in Poland are lower than in most ‘Global North’ countries. Our services include complex support of a soft landing in Poland: Recruiting local Tech Talents Office space rental Assistance in applying for EU grants Legal and tax advisory and many others Recruiting Tech professionals We offer support in all talent acquisition activities in Poland and CEE. Tech specialists from CEE (e.g., software engineers) are recognized as one of the best in the World. High tech skills, English proficiency, and professionalism make them a perfect choice for your company. Outstaffing of Tech contractors We offer engaging Tech professionals from Poland and CEE through Winged IT. Our contractors work onsite in clients’ offices in different countries or remotely from Poland and CEE (a much more cost-effective option). Contact us to learn more!
50 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Polonais
Membre Sortlist depuis 2024
Fondée en 2017
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1 services offerts par Winged IT

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  • Description
    Permanent recruitment of IT professionals from CEE
    Winged IT offers its clients from all over the world support in the employment of IT professionals from Poland and Central-Eastern Europe (CEE).
    IT specialists from CEE (e.g., software engineers) are recognized as one of the best in the World.
    The majority speak English fluently and are interested in working abroad for at least several years or longer.
    We recruit candidates ready to relocate to other countries or work remotely from home, which is a much more cost-effective option.

    En savoir plus sur Développement de Logiciel

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50 membres dans l'équipe de Winged IT

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Coordonnées de Winged IT


  • Siège socialPuławska 2, 02-566 Warsaw, Poland