Vector, Paris | Sortlist
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Paris, France
VECTOR is a development team made of highly motivated, dedicated and enthusiasts persons. We live by the idea of not just creating products that benefit and that solve certain business problems, but we strive to anticipate the wishes of customers for years to come, taking into account all the subtleties of our client’s business strategy. We always do our best to develop products that feat our customers need. We always do our best to deliver fast, right and efficiently projects we are engaged with. Each new project for us is an opportunity to surpass ourselves, and also to bring something valuable into the development approach. These are unique solutions that have been reliably documented and tested. We value the time of our customers, therefore, among our priorities is to maintain the flexibility of the team, expand reserves and be prepared for any eventuality. Back-end: framework Spring, Liferay, alfresco, NodeJS Front-end: Angular, React, Ionic, VueJS, Html5 / css3
Parle Anglais, Français, Russe
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11 services offerts par Vector

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À partir de

  • Description
    As development company we create different web solutions that meet various corporate needs. We mostly focus on:
    Back-End development, Front-End development and Design
    Compétences en Application web (9)
    Application DevelopmentMagento DevelopmentSoftware EngineeringBackend DevelopmentCRMWeb DevelopmentMagentoWebsiteSoftware
    Projets en Application web (2)
    ALLIANZ Project - Application web
    West Bend Project - Application web
    Clients en Application web (2)
    West BendAssurance | international
    ALLIANZBanque et Finance | international

    En savoir plus sur Application web

  • Description
    As development company we create different web solutions that meet various corporate needs. We mostly focus on:
    Back-End development, Front-End development and Design
    Compétences en Création de site internet (5)
    DesignWeb DevelopmentBackendFrontendBack-End Development

    En savoir plus sur Création de site internet

  • Description
    As development company we create different web solutions that meet various corporate needs. We mostly focus on:
    Back-End development, Front-End development and Design
    Compétences en E-commerce (4)
    EcommerceBoutique en lignesite webOnline store

    En savoir plus sur E-commerce

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Projet en Data Consulting (1)
    ALLIANZ Project - Data Consulting
    Client en Data Consulting (1)
    ALLIANZBanque et Finance | international

    En savoir plus sur Data Consulting

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Projet en Innovation (1)
    ALLIANZ Project - Innovation
    Client en Innovation (1)
    ALLIANZBanque et Finance | international

    En savoir plus sur Innovation

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (3)
    Online MarketingCRM ConsultingCustomer Relationship Management

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Référencement naturel (1)
    CSS Development

    En savoir plus sur Référencement naturel

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Production Vidéo (2)
    Angular DevelopmentDesarrollo AngularJS

    En savoir plus sur Production Vidéo

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Animation (2)
    VueJS DevelopmentDesarrollo NodeJS

    En savoir plus sur Animation

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Application mobile (1)
    React Development

    En savoir plus sur Application mobile

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Coordonnées de Vector


  • Siège socialParis, France

  • United Kingdom

  • Ukrainka, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine, 08720
